GRASP stands for GLOBALG.A.P. Risk Assessment on Social Practice, and is a voluntary ready-to-use module developed to assess social practices on the farm, addressing specific aspects of workers’ health, safety and welfare.
Fresh goji berries from the mediterranean Region
Our goal is to provide our customers throughout Europe goji berries of the highest quality - one of the most vitamin-packed fruits in the world.
J.C. Lopez Nicklaus, CEO GojiVital S.L.
GojiVital, S.L. is a Spain-based company that since 2011 is dedicated to the cultivation and sale of goji berries for the European market.
We started with a 12 ha goji plantation in the south of Spain where we planted more than 40,000 goji plants. In the meantime, we are working together with other farmers in the Mediterranean region. Under the Mediterranean sun, the fruits thrive particularly well and develop their full flavor.

If you are interested in your own Goji Farm, look here: